


Thursday, August 15 @ Dan’s Silverleaf in Denton w/ Dark RoomsBlackstone Rangers and Diamond Age

THIS THURSDAY!!! I am honored to be playing PAUL SLAVENS' KXT 9 YR Anniversary show at Dan's Silver Leaf in Denton TX with Blackstone Rangers and Dark Rooms. I will play first at around 10PM. please come to the show, it's red suit Thursday!

Here is a link to a mix I made for the French mixtape blog Voice of Cassandre (http://voixdecassandre.blogspot.com/ ) and basic fm (UK) featuring a few of the many great DFW artists who should be heard (Cutter, Vulgar Fashion, Wire Nest, Night Game Cult, Def Rain, and Pinkish Black). mixed live, mistakes and all- I hope you check it out! I had a lot of fun putting this together and I hope to have one finished soon for bird and whale. 

INNER VOICE OF CASSANDRE MIX <<<< stream it here

Emerald Web - Flight of the Raven

Miss Pat Collins - Turn On

Broadcast - Long Was The Year

Cutter - Death Perception 

Dennis Bovell - Mint Ah Music

Liars - Perfume Tear

Vulgar Fashion -Krystal Lies

Thug - Dickhead 

Night Game Cult - A Good Storm

Harmonia - Veterano

Etienne Jaumet - Satori (Jon Convex Remix)

Factory Floor - Real Love

Teebs - Red Curbs Loop (Stuff I Dream About)

Helado Negro - U Heard

Wire Nest - Ancient Mariner

Diamond Age - Shoreline

Def Rain - Call

John Carpenter - Chase Across the 69th Street Bridge

Pinkish Black - Fall Down

Jurriaan Andriessen - from Hardware / Software

Miss Pat Collins - I am successful


SHOWS 69 - 71

71.   Diamond Age / Crown Larks / No Voz Void / Frauen

 70.  George Quartz / DiamondAge / DePalma
        July 19 2013

69.  George Quartz / Diamond Age / Pierre Bürger @ the Doublewide
       May 31, 2013 (DALLAS, TX)

      CANCELLED Rocket Arm / Shmu / Diamond Age @ Bryan Street Tavern
      July 12 CANCELLED


T-SHIRTS for sale

Light Grey lightweight Anvil t-shirt with deep red/burgundy screenprinted image. Have you ever sat by your grandma's phone waiting for that call? With this shirt, your luck may just turn around! Keep up with the latest in t-shirt style while simultaneously advertising Diamond Age music. Two symbols from the past commemorated in a t shirt that says "I really hope I'll get the call" or something like that. 

(rotary dial phones were phones people used in the old days. rabbits foot keychains were things you bought for good luck when you went to six flags or the boardwalk.)

White Anvil light weight t-shirt w/ black image screen printed by Nevada Hill. Diamond Age logo designed by Nevada Hill. Design concept by Jeff Sims. Limited quantities available. (I will update quantity when second pressing is done.) Special thanks to George Romero for all the childhood anxiety, and please don't sue me! 

When you remove all the zombies, all you have left is the passage of time!

-it's tomorrow already, put a shirt on! why not this one? The usual reaction people who see you this shirt is "huh?" your best answer should be "exactly"

*note- they are cheaper if you come out and see show!